Monday 20 February 2017


This is my first blog I create this blog to enter in the blogger community

Today I 'm gonna tell you about old India games we use to play in our childhood.

Yes, if had played it , then you can identify this game, so those who is not aware of this game is called "Gilli Danda" in some rural areas and village this game is still very popular but in urban areas or we can say cities this game is vanished. new generation kids are not even know that there is sport or game called gilli danda its very depressing but true.so for those people who literally don't know about this game let me tell you about this game
So This game played by two pieces of equipment first is " Danda" which is a long wooden stick ans second is "Gilli" which is a oval shape small piece of wood. and if you want proper info about this game you can search it on google. I know you you will find it easily. This is  first game which we lost
somewhere and so first game that we should recreate in our new generation mind is our old retro game "gilli Danda"

This was also very popular galli games (street style game) This game is called (kanche) or in English we call it marbles game. last memory I remember about this game was I failed to play this game whether it is about to hitting another player marble or putting marble into the hole. you can say I was a "kacchad" "kaccha nimbu" these are the slangs of Delhi for the weakest player in the team. so if you want to know more about this game go to google baba.

Now "Lattu" this one of the craziest game and hard to play also. In my childhood every Galli "street"
got its own best lattu player . those who are not aware of this game let me tell you this game needs two equipment first is "lattu" itself and the second thing you need is a rope which is equal to the length of your single hand. and if you are more curious about this game search "lattu" game on google you will definitely gonna find many results in which you get proper rules and info about it.

This was all memories from my childhood. what you're memories..........

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