Sunday 8 April 2018



Tyson  Kinomiya  realises he is running late for a Beyblade battle with Andrew, the best Beyblader in town. Before Tyson  gets there, a member of the "Blade Sharks" named Carlos fights and defeats him, taking his blade. Tyson  arrives and snaps, challenging him to a battle at 3:00 by the river next day. A boy named Kenny "The Chief" becomes friends with Tyson , and they realize that they need a faster Beyblade to defeat Carlos' heavier one. Tyson  attempts and almost gives up until he has a vision of the Great Dragoon Spirit, a power that has been in the family from generations. With new inspiration, Tyson  defeats Carlos with a newly developed technique. Before Carlos can escape with his stolen Beyblades, his leader Kai appears and strikes him down for his failure. Disgusted by Kai's callous attitude, Tyson  challenges him to a battle. 

Tyson 's Blade is destroyed by Kai due to the latter's Bit-Beast Dranzer. Andrew and Kenny inform him that the Blade Sharks are looking for the ultimate Bit-Beast nobody can beat. Andrew, Kenny and Tyson  rebuild Tyson 's Bey. Meanwhile, Kai then orders Carlos' Bey be destroyed as punishment. Kai's goons kidnap Kenny to use his laptop to find the ultimate Bey. Tyson  asks the Dragoon for guidance when Dragoon goes right into his Bey. Tyson  then re-challenges Kai, and they draw. 
Tyson  and Kenny meet Max Tate the new kid in town, just before a puppy is washed away to a waterfall. Tyson  attempts to save him, but fails. Max then tries, and succeeds. Max and Tyson  battle in Max's dad's shop, but Max wins, due to his defensive-type Beyblade. Daitokuji Kaichou (president of the BBA (Beyblade Battle Association), named Stanley A. Dickinson in the English dub and the versions based on it) then arrives and informs them of the Beyblade Battle Tournament, and they are all looking forward to it. Kenny and Tyson  argue over Tyson 's cockiness that his Bey need not be improved. Tyson  then attempts to control the Dragoon, and succeeds, while Kenny is watching through the window. They then become friends again. 


The Beyblade Regional Qualifying Tournament begins as Tyson , Max, and even Kenny enter to see if they can dethrone Kai, the reigning champion. Max wins his Block, and advances to the finals. Kenny is second but without a Bit Beast in his blade, he falls quickly to Kai, angering Tyson . Tyson  battles third, against the 3 goons that captured Kenny, and Carlos. Carlos then destroys one of his partners' Beys, leaving it between Tyson  and Carlos. Tyson  ends up winning, and is a good sport to Carlos. Rei Kon (Ray Kon in the English dub and the versions based on it) is introduced at the end of the episode. 


In the semifinals, Max goes up against Kai, the champion. Tyson looks forward to fighting Rei, an undefeated Blader. The dish is based like a tower, to stay in the top for 10 seconds is how you win. The first round goes quickly, with Max being defeated by Kai's Spin Fire attack. But in the second round, with Max's reverse launch, Kai's Spin Fire attack is absorbed by Max's Bey, and he wins. Max's Bey then explodes due to the energy overload. Max then finds a Bit Beast chip inside his Grandma's pendant and embeds it within his reconstructed Beyblade. Max and Kai fight fiercely, but Max loses. Tyson  cheers Max up with the fact that he now has a Bit Beast, and he can't wait for his battle with Rei. 
The final battle of the semifinals is Tyson versus Rei, an undefeated Blader. Kenny is working on something, and is not there for the first round. Tyson and Rei clash, but Rei easily beats Tyson  with his stronger Bit Beast, Driger and his Tiger Claw attack, destroying Tyson 's Bey. Kenny shows up before he forfeits, and Tyson's Bey is fixed with a new Defense Ring Kenny was working on. The second round is ferocious, but Tyson's Defense Ring pulls through, despite not being built for attacking. Rei forfeits the third match, saying he has nothing left to prove, and joins the team. The finals are decided, Tyson versus Kai. 
Tyson, Max and Kenny are working on Dragoon to ensure victory in the finals when Grandpa interrupts and reveals Tyson that it is his 13th birthday! After the party, the first round ends quickly, with Tyson unexpectedly defeating Kai. Kai then goes harder on Tyson and easily defeats him in the second round. The third round is explosive, with Tyson just managing to defeat Kai, and become the National Beyblade Champion. Mr. Dickinson then reveals to Tyson, Kai, Max, Kenny and Rei that they will become a team and participate in the World Championships. 
As Tyson , Kai, Max, Kenny and Rei fly to Hong Kong to prepare for the Asian Tournament, Kai "quits" the team and walks into the streets. The rest of the team try to follow him and fail when they hear a Bey spinning, and find a back-alley Beyblader challenging them to a battle. Tyson  battles and manages to just defeat him, when another Beyblade knocks Dragoon out of the stadium and nearly hits Rei (Kai then reappears and knocks Dragoon out of his way), belonging to a boy named Kevin. 
Kevin disses the Bladebreakers (especially Rei) and challenges Rei to a battle. Tyson  has had enough and battles Kevin instead, but he falls quickly to the Bey's ability to wobble and multiply. The Blader who challenged Tyson  beforehand bumps into Lee, Gao (Gary in the English dub and versions based upon it) and Mariah, the other members of the White Tigers, and he tells them about his encounter with Rei. Tyson  then beats Kevin in battle, before the rest of the White Tigers show up. They all seem to know Rei, calling him "traitor", and tell him that they will be entering the tournament too. 


The BBA Asian Tournament is underway, at the peak of a unbelievably high tower in China. The Bladebreakers and the White Tigers realize that they will eventually battle each other, and they use this against each other. First up, the Bladebreakers versus the Tall Boys. The Bladebreakers manage to scrape through to the next round, despite some of the Tall Boys' Beys having spikes and being able to generate heat. They then check out Mariah's Gallux Bit Beast, from the White Tigers, and Tyson  can't wait for their fight. 
With Kenny working all night before the day of the Tournament, Kevin from the White Tigers tries to sneak into where they're sleeping and steal and/or destroy Rei's Driger. With a speech from Mariah, Kevin cannot do it, but instead steals one of Kenny's data disks while he's making tea. Rei confronts him before he can escape and they battle for the disk. Rei, however, gets distracted by Kevin's "mercy" scene and Driger escapes from his Bey. Luckily, Tyson  then battles Kevin and beats him, getting the disk back but leaving Kai disappointed with Rei and Rei with himself. 
Rei leaves the Bladebreakers and journeys into the mountains to try to get back Driger. Mariah finds him, beats him in battle, confronts him about his stupidity and asks him to come back to the White Tigers. The other Bladebreakers discover that Rei has gone, and Tyson  and Max venture off into the mountains. Rei nearly goes back to the White Tigers when Tyson  and Max find him. Tyson  challenges him to a battle, and if Rei wins he can do whatever he wants. Tyson , however, loses to Rei. When Rei discovers the Bladebreakers wanted him back without a Bit Beast, Rei goes back to the Bladebreakers. 
The White Tigers face the Spin Shepherds. Due to hunger, Gao loses to one member. Mariah manages to literally destroy her opponent's Bey. But when Lee uses Rei's special move, Rei is forced to open up about their past. Driger had been passed down from generation to generation, and Rei was chosen instead of Lee. Rei then left to pick up new skills. A challenge is set, whichever team wins in the finals gets Driger. The Bladebreakers face up against the Charming Princes, and Tyson , Max and Rei destroy them, with Rei finally getting Driger back. 
It's the morning of the semi-finals at the Asian Beyblade Tournament and Tyson  manages to sleep in. The rest of the team leaves early, but Rei stays behind to make sure Tyson  wakes up. As the tournament gets underway, Max is the first to battle. Meanwhile, Rei and Tyson  are caught up in a traffic jam created by a landslide (caused by Kevin), so they decide to walk. But the shortest route is over a mountain where Rei sprains his ankle and Tyson  is left to carry him all the way to the tournament. Meanwhile, back at the tournament, Team Bladebreakers has heard about the landslide and are worried about their teammates. And to add insult to injury, if Tyson  doesn't show up soon, their team will have to forfeit. Time is running out for Tyson  and Rei, when Kai uncharacteristically steps up to the plate to stall for time until Tyson  shows up. 
The finals are about to begin in the Asian Qualifying Tournament with the winning team advancing to the World BeyBlade Championships. In the first round, Max goes against Gao from the White Tigers in a best of three battle. The first round goes without a hitch as Max easily takes care of his opponent and with the win, Max becomes a little overconfident. Meanwhile, Gao loses it and as his rage intensifies, so does the strength of his Galzzy Bit Beast. In the second round, Gao surprises Max with his blade's newfound power, and after Max puts up a respectable defense, Max finally falls prey to Gao's Galzzy. Now the Bladebreakers realize they're not quite as tough as they think they are, and when they enter the ring for the final round, they try a new strategy. But Gao has other plans and makes quick work of defeating his opponent handing a first round loss to the Bladebreakers. 
in the second round of the finals of the Asian Tournament, Rei faces off against his old teammate, and former friend, Mariah. When Galux and Driger team up to show the pair a glimpse of the happiness they shared in the past, Rei and Mariah come to realize how much they have lost, by being rivals. Rei makes a promise to Mariah before he wins the match that no matter what happens, they'll stay friends. 
The final match of the Asian Beyblade Tournament reaches an uncertain conclusion when Tyson  and Lee's decisive battle ends in a draw. The resulting sudden death session between Rei and Lee rekindles the pair's old hometown grievances. Rei manages to defeat Lee and the two of them make up. 
Fresh from the Bladebreakers win in Asia, Tyson  comes home and realizes he's front page news. With his ego out of control, Tyson  takes on the attitude of a rock star, which upsets Kenny who tries to keep him focused on blading and not his popularity. Meanwhile, at a local playground, the local kids are all out Beyblading when Tyson  spots a kid called Nicky, being smoked in the Beystadium by a bully named Riley. After Nicky's blade is completely destroyed, Tyson  vows to help the kid fix it and fight his way back. After enlisting the help of Max, Kenny and Dizzi, Tyson  manages to rebuild Nicky's blade and they return to the playground where they find Riley and immediately demand a rematch. With the knowledge of the Bladebreakers backing Nicky, he quickly takes care of Riley. Meanwhile, in a conspiratorial meeting at Kai's grandfather's mansion, he spells out Kai's next assignment: "to fight all the beyblades that possess the bit beasts within them". Kai walks out of the room speechless and says to himself he will that he'll get "what he wants" and he will be crowned "the undisputed beyblade champion of the World". 

The Bladebreakers arrive in the USA for the American Tournament. During a tour of a BBA research facility, Max is shocked to learn that his Mom (Judy Tate) works there, and not at the college, like he thought. Also, the team discovers that they are being tested for weaknesses, by a competing team. Although Tyson  and Rei easily beat their opponents, Max is easily defeated by his mother's assistant, Emily, who uses her tennis racket as a launcher. 
After their non-competition loss to Emily of the All Starz at the BBA Research Center, the Bladebreakers sneak around the high-tech facility, hoping to learn more about their competition. There, they confront two other All Starz called Eddie and Steve (who use respectively, a basketball and an American football as launchers), and Max learns more about his Mom's job at the BBA - specifically, a rumour of why Max wasn't asked to join the All Starz Team. 
Kaichou sends the Bladebreakers to a remote mountain retreat to hone their blading skills for the upcoming American Tournament as well as to get Kenny and Dizzi to figure out a way to increase Rei's Bit Beast's power. Once there, they meet up with an enthusiastic young boy named Antonio who they think is there to train them. Turns out, Antonio is a weak blader. Frustrated, the Breakers question the reason why Kaichou would send them all the way up to the middle of nowhere to train without any decent equipment. Turns out, the BBA Chairman had an ulterior motive - to teach the boys a lesson about the importance of practice. Even Kenny learns from this and is able to tweak Rei's blade up a few notches. 
A charity event in the Heartland of America gives the Bladebreakers a taste of the All Starz's prowess. Featuring celebrities in a three-on-three contest against young Beybladers of note, Emily of the All Starz, bullies her way to an easy win. It's not until Emily knocks out her own opponent, loses the second match and is on her way to throwing the whole competition, that Max teaches her a lesson about teamwork. All Starz's team leader, Michael, is also introduced in this episode. 
The Bladebreakers arrive in Las Vegas for the start of the American Tournament. Tyson  looks forward to facing off against the arrogant All Starz, and their scientifically advanced Beyblades – but first his team needs to get past the Hispanic bladers ‘Renegades’ in the qualifying round. Kai surprises everyone by stepping into the dish for the first battle after being confronted by Emily about his apparent coldness towards his team mates - Kai wants to give her a chance to know what he's made of, but it was only a plan so that the All Starz could study his skills. However, Kai beats his opponent so fast that Emily is unable to record any data. Max and Tyson  also defeat their opponents, though not as quickly as Kai. 


The Bladebreakers have advanced to the second round of the American Tournament where they square off against the Savage Slammers. The winner of this round advances to the semi-finals. Their competition first appears to be a bunch of slackers, but when Rei loses out in the first round, they quickly realize what they're up against. Max is next, and for some odd reason, his rival folds under pressure, so the best of three is tied at one a piece with Tyson  coming in for the deciding battle. At first it looks like a quick win for the Slammers simply because of the size of his opponents enormous Beyblade and things get even more tense when Tyson  begins to lose his temper and his focus. The other Breakers convince him to concentrate and when he does, Tyson  pull off the victory. Next, the Bladebreakers decide to check out the American Team who are competing in another stadium. That's where they get their first taste of the ultra-inflated ego of the All Starz's captain, Michael. 
It's the Bladebreakers versus Spintensity in the semi-finals of the American Tournament. But before the match can begin, Tyson  is forced to withdraw with a stomachache which he got from too much celebratory eating. Kai replaces him and the trio advance to the final round after a perfect three at the whirlwind, highway-themed dish called the New Jersey Turnpike. 
Tensions rise as the American Tournament heats up. Max fights for a chance to beyblade against his mother’s team the All Starz in an upcoming match, while Tyson  and the rest of the Bladebreakers realize that the All Starz are a bigger threat then they previously thought. At the end of two tense rounds, Tyson  and Steve are tied one-all. 
It's the finals of the American Tournament and the Bladebreakers are going head to head with the All Starz with the winner going to the World Championships. In the first round, Tyson  is pitted against Steve and at first things don't appear to be going Tyson 's way. But with sheer determination, Tyson  pulls out a victory that puts the Bladebreakers ahead one to nothing in the best of three finals. The second round isn't quite so easy as Rei squares off against the NBA wanna-be Eddy whose blazing fast basketball style attack quickly knocks him out and evens the score at two a piece. Now the stage is set for the final battle, and Max is chosen to fight Michael. 
The deciding match of the American Tournament Finals comes down to Max vs. Michael of the ‘All Starz’. The beystadium for the final round is a replica of a baseball diamond – Michael's favorite ball sport. After an intense battle, with Michael recurring to a fastball launch at the final round, Max wins and prove his mother that science and technology are not always enough to ensure victory. 

After narrowly defeating the All Starz at the American Tournament, Kenny decides he should record a database of the highs and low points of the Bladebreakers since the very beginning. In fact, through a series of flashbacks, Kenny along with Dizzi, takes a trip down memory lane as far back to the first time he ever met Tyson . With clips from various shows, Kenny narrates the progress of his friends who eventually form the Bladebreakers and go on to the Asian Tournament. After watching the progress of his team, evaluating individual battles to eventually winning the American Tournament, Kenny concludes that they really have come a long way in a very short time. And just when he thinks they've reached the pinnacle of their success, Max, Tyson  and Rei show up to take Kenny to meet the ship that's about to take them to the World Championships in Russia. 
The Bladebreakers travel by boat across the Atlantic, where Kenny discover he suffers from seasickness. Meanwhile, he wants the Bladebreakers to evolve - however, they don't have any good opponents around and there's no use in battling each other since there will be no surprises. Meanwhile, an arrogant unknown beyblader at the ship's cargo depot is challenged by some amateur players. He destroys every beyblade used against him, and Tyson  arrives in time to see him breaking one last beyblade in two with just one hit. Tyson  challenges him and releasies Dragoon to make it clear he's no amateur. However, his opponent reveals his own bit beast, the much larger Griffolyon, and easily throws Tyson 's beyblade out of the stadium. He then introduces himself as Ralf (Robert in the English dub and the versions based on it) and the Bladebreakers realize not all good beybladers are taking part of the World Championship and the defeat exposes the team's vulnerability going into the Russian Tournament. 

The kids are tricked by an old man into missing their boat, forcing them to spend the night in London where a mysterious videotape of Tyson 's father is delivered to them. Later, Tyson 's Beyblade is stolen and the kids are lured into a fight with the evil Cenotaph and his powerful Bit Beast, Sarcopholon. Kai then appears and defeats the mummy by using his own strengths against him. The team agree to travel by land, learning from every European Beyblader they can find. 
After their train is mysteriously hijacked, the kids find themselves in the dark recesses of a tunnel. This is where the Bladebreakers meet a foursome of zombie-like ghouls, the Dark Bladers. Cenotaph grabs Kenny and his three team mates challenge the Bladebreakers for a fight in order to release Kenny. However, if they lose, they'll have their bit beasts captured. Max and Tyson  face off against Sanguinex and Lupinex, respectively a vampire and a werewolf. By making an "X" sign with their beyblades, they manage to beat Sanguinex, since vampires are scared of crosses. Rei then joins in with a silver coin attached to his beyblade in order to unleash a silver-version of Drigger that weakens Lupinex's blade. When Cenotaph and Zomb are just about to start their rounds, an ambulance arrives, forcing the Dark Bladers to flee. 
As the Bladebreakers make their way to the World Championships in Russia, they are stuck in Paris where they end up wasting a day looking for Kai who had mysteriously disappeared. Tyson  comes up with the idea of using the Eiffel Tower as a vantage point to speed up their search. Rei, Kenny, Tyson  and Max make their way to the observation deck of the tower where they are again confronted by the Dark Bladers, who have vowed to steal the Bladebreakers Bit Beasts as part of their ultimate plan to capture all Bit Beasts in the world. A massive battle ensues but the odds are against the Bladebreakers. Finally, Kai shows up with his newly modified Dranzer and, as an unknown kid watches from behind a corner, almost single-handedly wins the battle. The Dark Bladers fade away after their loss. The unknown kid appears to the Bladebreakers and introduces himself as Oliver. Raised in Paris, he tells the Bladebreakers they did good, but they could do more with the power of their Bit Beasts. He then walks away. 
The Bladebreakers spend an extra day in Paris and split up to see the sights. Rei catches up with his uncle, Max goes on a wild shopping spree and Kai goes in search of information about Oliver. Tyson  and Kenny try to see the Louvre but end up meeting Oliver, again, who rented an entire gallery just for himself to contemplate the works of art. Oliver is the son of a French millionaire who owns a number of restaurants. A chef himself, Oliver is also the French beyblading champion. Kenny suggest both should have a fight, which ends in a tie. Oliver mentions a group of four European champions and says they should go to Italy meet his friend and undefeated national champion Enrique. 
The Bladebreakers arrive in Rome, searching for the local champion Enrique. Scoffing at their Beyblade challenge, Enrique decides he would rather spend the day with some of his lady-friends. But Tyson  soon convinces him to battle. Enrique accepts and the match takes place in his personalised BeyStadium, built after the Colosseum. Enrique, dressed up in an actual Roman centurion uniform, soon unleashes his bit-beast Amphilyon, which has two heads and, as such, battles as if it was controlling two beyblades at the same time. Eventually, Amphilyon tries to attack Tyson  himself, forcing Dragoon to block it with its body, costing Tyson  the match. 

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